Monday, June 23, 2008

Clomid for Infertility: What You Must Know

Clomid as an infertility drug is considered to be the cornerstone of all other medications that have followed the trend. While many years have passed since Clomid was first introduced into the market, it is still the same drug as it was before that most infertile couples come in contact with initially before everything assumed their places in the industry.

Clomid, an infertility drug that appears in other names like CC, Clomiphene citrate, Serophene or simply Clomid is considerably inexpensive as compared with the brands that have invaded the market recently. Its main uses are focused on ovulation problems by means of oral consumption rather than via injection.

While it was produced several years earlier than its predecessor, the workings of the drug still facilitate in a very complicated fashion but with desirable potency. It does not have effects on women whose ovaries have already reached the termination of their use. Nonetheless, Clomid is still a very potent drug when it comes to inducing satisfactory effects on all estrogen receptors. Thus, it has the capacity of creating reactions on all body tissues, which contain estrogen receptors.

Tissues lying in organs like cervix, endometrium, pituitary, vagina and hypothalamus are some for which its known effects are working.

Clomid is also useful in assessing the possibility of using the potential ovary reserve in a female. And it is also utilized for patients with defects on their luteal phase.

Clomid, aside from its efficiency in working with estrogen, also has the property of influencing the functions of other four major and vital hormones in infertility namely GnRH, LH, FSH and estradiol.

Although we still have no complete understanding of the exact manners by which Clomid conducts its processes, it still seem pretty obvious that its major effects in the brain is to fool it into believing that the estrogen level of the system is low. Thus bringing a domino effect of releasing more hormones to compensate for the lack of hormones for which infertility is said to have rooted.

The effect of this normal reaction is to make the system a feasible environment for ovulation.

The known side effects though of using Clomid in aid of fertility are the following:
  • Multiple pregnancy

  • Ovarian enlargement

  • Pelvic and abdominal discomfort

  • Bloating or distention

  • Breast discomfort

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Abnormal uterine bleeding

  • Visual symptoms like appearances of waves, floaters, lights and etc.

  • While there may be side effects like these, Clomid is still clear of having any association with increase of congenital abnormalities, complications in pregnancy, birth defects appearing in children and premature labor.

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